Filter Pack

Filter Pack Overview

This filter is more a collection of basic color modification filters. It is an interactive filter.

Filter Pack Options

Filter Pack Settings

Before and After

The before and after preview windows display the original selection or image and the result that will be applied if OK is clicked.


This section will change the amount of image displayed in the preview windows.

  • Entire Image: This will display the entire image in the preview window ignoring any selection areas.

  • Selection Only: If there is an active selection area within the image, this radio button will toggle the preview windows such that they only display the selection area.

  • Selection in Context: If there is an active selection within the image, this radio button will toggle the preview windows such that they display the selection area and a percentage of the surrounding non-selected image.

Affected Range

This section changes the pixel weight that will be affected by the filter.

  • Shadows: All pixels considered to be of shadow weight will be changed.

  • Midtones: All pixels considered to be of mid tonal weight will be changed.

  • Highlights: All pixels considered to be of highlight weight will be changed.

Select Pixels by

This section modifies the pixel selection routine of the filter.

  • Hue: All pixels will be modified according to hue.

  • Saturation: All pixels will be selected according to saturation.

  • Value: All pixels will be selected according to value.


This slider changes the amount of color modification to make against the selected pixels. Higher values will increase the amount of color modification made to the region.


The four Windows checkboxes display or hide the four methods of color modification. These windows are fully interactive.

  • Clicking Hue will open the Hue Variations window. Within this window are six different hue modification previews. Clicking any of the preview windows will modify the hue of the region with the chosen hue. All preview windows that are open will update dynamically.

  • Clicking Saturation will open the Saturation Variations window. Clicking either the More Sat. or the Less Sat. previews will increase or decrease the level of saturation for the region.

  • Clicking Value will open the Value Variations window. Clicking either the Lighter or Darker will increase or decrease the level of pixel value for the region.

  • Clicking the Advanced checkbox will open the Advanced Filter Pack Options window. See below for further information on using this part of the tool.

Advanced Filter Pack Options

This section of Filter Pack allows fine grained pixel selection control.

  • The Smoothness of Aliasing section allows the selection of the color range that will be modified, and the selection of the curve. The curve length can be changed using the arrow-heads and the curve type can be modified using the slider at the bottom of the section. The slider will change the curve to a square tooth when dragged to the left, and a sine-wave when dragged to the right.

  • The Miscellaneous Options section allows the view level for all preview windows. The Preview as You Drag checkbox will activate dynamic updating of all preview windows. The Preview Size slider changes the zoom level for all preview windows.