The Add Glow filter renders a glow that surrounds the active layer.
Add Glow Settings
Glow color sets the color of the glow that will surround the layer. Clicking FG will fetch the current foreground color and clicking BG will fetch the current background color. Clicking the color will open a color selection dialog, also known as a color chooser.
Glow radius sets the radius in pixels that the glow should extend out from the active layer.
The Brushed Metal filter renders a brushed metal surface with user controllable color, angle, and length.
Brushed Metal Settings
Stroke Length defines the length in pixels that will be used for the lines of the metal.
Angle sets the angle in degrees of the strokes on the surface. An angle of zero will result in horizontal lines.
Use gradient provides a checkbox that will activate the use of a gradient for coloring. If this checkbox is not active, the filter will use the default grey coloring. If the checkbox is active, the user may select a gradient from the Gradient dropdown list.
The Highlight Edges filter will produce a new layer from an old one that replicates a thin shadow and highlight line.