Download/Install Problems
Q. I get a "Data Error" when running setup, what does this mean?
A. The installer is compressed with the 7z
packer which makes the download around 4MB smaller. It requires around 28MB of
free disk space on your temporary drive and at least 16MB of free memory. If
you get the message "Data Error" while extracting, this most likely means you
don't have enough free memory. Close all other applications that are
running and try to run the installer again.
Q. The install still didn't work or I have some other installation
problem, can you help me?
A. Sure, just Contact Us, but be sure to include the email you used for payment and/or
your registration key.
Q. I have the 1.2.3 version, how do I upgrade?
A. We already sent out email notifications to all our customers. However, if you changed email please Contact Us, with your email you used for payment and/or your registration key along with a clear description of the problem you encountered.
Saving Images and Animations
Q. I can't save as GIF because it's greyed out.
A. Just enter filename.gif in the Save Dialog and it will work just fine.
Note that we don't use LZW compression. You can choose
RLE encoded GIF's or uncompressed GIF's.
Q. I made an animated logo but how do I save it?
Q. My image is not animated after I save it, why?
A. Exporting an animation as a GIF image is covered in detail in the
Flaming Logo Tutorial. If your GIF
is not animated after you save it then double-check that you selected the
"Save as animation" option as indicated in Step 3c in this tutorial.
Some web page editors, notably Microsoft FrontPage, have been reported to break
animated GIFs. For some reason they modify the original image and re-save it
used to add the image to a web page. If you use Microsoft FrontPage, make a
copy of the original GIF image you saved from FTGIMP before using Microsoft
FrontPage to add the image to a web page. After you have finished editing the
page in FrontPage, overwrite the broken FrontPage copy of the image with your
original and then upload the site to your web server as normal.
Another reason why GIFs may not animate (any GIFs, not just those from FTGIMP)
is firewalls. ZoneAlarm has an option to disable animated GIFs. You can find
this option under Privacy >> Ad Blocking >> Custom >> Animation in ZoneAlarm's
Control Center.
Q. Is the FTGIMP help available online?
A. Why yes it is: here
Q. Are there more fonts I can use?
A. You can use any font on your computer, in addition there are thousands of other fonts available freely on the Internet. In our Downloads area we have included a couple of hundred excellent fonts from LarabieFonts. - Contact Us
FTGimp: © 2002-2016 Pty Ltd. All rights reserved. No reproduction allowed without permission.