The paintbrush tool paints fuzzy brush strokes. All strokes are rendered using the current brush.
See also: Brush Selection .
Paintbrush Settings
The Opacity slider sets the transparency level for the paint. A higher opacity setting results in more opaque paint and a lower setting results in more transparent paint.
The Mode dropdown list provides a selection of paint application modes. A list of these modes can be found in the glossary .
The Incremental checkbox actiavtes incremental paint mode for the tool. More information about incremental mode can be found in the glossary
The Pressure Sensitivity section sets the sensitivity levels for input devices that support this option.
This option sets the stroke to fade out after the specified distance. The stroke will fade to transparency at the completion of the set distance.
The Gradient setting toggles the use of the currently selected gradient in stead of the current foreground color. There are four ways that the gradient can be rendered.
Once Forward: Renders the gradient once during the stroke. It is painted in a forward direction. The entire color sequence of the gradient will be rendered within the distance set.
Once Backward: Renders the gradient once during the stroke. It is painted in a reverse order of colors. The entire color sequence of the gradient will be rendered within the distance set.
Loop Sawtooth: Renders the gradient repeatedly. At each expiry of the distance that has been set, the gradient will begin rerendering from the beginning.
Loop Triangle: Renders the gradient repeatedly. At each expiry of the distance that has been set, the gradient will reverse direction and render in that direction until the expiry of the distance once more. At this point, it will begin again until the stroke is complete.
Default Keyboard Shortcut: P
Key modifiers:
Ctrl changes the paintbrush to a Color Picker that will set the foreground color.
Alt changes the paintbrush to a Color Picker that will set the background color.
Shift places the paintbrush tool into straight line mode. Holding Shift while clicking Button1 will generate a straight line. Consecutive clicks will continue drawing straight lines that originate from the end of the last line.